
My Photo
Location: Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States

Programmer, musician, photographer, artist, hubby, dad, slightly demented middle-aged geek.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Six and Seven

polysomnography is a diagnostic test during which a number of physiologic variables are measured and recorded during sleep.

circadian - Relating to biological variations or rhythms with a cycle of about 24 hours.


They are decent ambient excursions into space. I think they could all be better with a bit of mixing and editing, but as a demo album. works for me!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


parasomnias are disorders characterized by undesirable motor, verbal, or experiential phenomenon occurring in association with sleep, specific stages of sleep, or sleep-awake transition phases.


hypersomnia is an excessively deep or prolonged major sleep period.

Monday, November 27, 2006


narcolepsy is a chronic neurological disorder caused by the brain's inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Numba Two

dyssomnias are disorders that produce either excessive sleepiness or difficulty in initiating or maintain sleep.

One down...

I've finished apnea
I'm reasonably happy with it. Got an interesting vibe to it.
1 bed track and 2 overdubs.

On to the next.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

A thought has occured to me.

I have had a thought. I thought maybe I would add one more track using a drum machine as the bed track. So, I pulled out the SR16, plugged it into the rack-o-fx and it turned into this


Thursday, November 16, 2006

First to bed

I've got bed tracks for everything now. it's out around 45 minutes, but it'll get trimmed here and there. These are really rough first run through tracks, but we'll see how they progress over the next 2 weeks.


anybody see a theme here?

Lay it down

I think I've got the 'bed' tracks mostly all laid out for all the pieces-parts of the soundscapes. I have to count up the time, and if I'm under 30, I'll do another one or two. Some didn't make it to the 10 min mark, so I'll either cut them together, or just have a few shorties.

They'll need a little editing, but there are some excellent parts in there. Now to cut up, overlay, overdub, mix, match, and tweak.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

1 for the money

The new Cycle bed track 1. It's not bad. Got some good bits, but it can use a little editing.

I'm much happier with this process. I enjoyed laying out the whole thing but when it came down to realizing the piece, it didn't fly. When I just write stuff out, it's really stiff and it sucks. I need to improvize. Part of me feels like I should be able to 'write' music, and technically I can, but it's bad. I'd get better if I did it more, but I've realized that it's not the way I need to make music. Not at this point anyway.

Screw it.

Ok. I'm sitting here and this NanoCycle thing is feeling a bit overwhelming. I'm stuck no more than 1/2 way through recording Part 1 and I'm SO losing interest. It was fun to write out the layout, but 16 more days ain't gonna cut it. So, I'm changing directions and doing what I've been doing best. NOISE! Improv NOISE! YES! Wheeeeee. So, I'm taking Cycle in a whole new direction. I'm definitely keeping the other stuff for future use, and maybe I'll just mutate some of the chord changes through some looping-noise-scapes.


4 - 10 minute (or so) looping pieces based on some of the chord changes from the original Cycle.

I like it!